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Re: [UDD] Upload_history table is currently empty

Hi Lucas,

On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 11:05:12AM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > So why does this end in 2013?  Funnily enough when I rsync to my local box I
> > get random zero sized *.xz.out files (but lots of missings - for instance only
> > debian-devel-changes.201907.xz.out for whole 2019).  I remember that the Uploaders
> > table made sense some monthes ago so that sounds pretty strange. 
> Yes, as I wrote in the bug report:

Ahhh, may be I'm a but slow in understanding the bug report, sorry
about this.
> > 'munge_ddc.py' has the following issues:
> > [...]
> > - it doesn't support xz email archives, so it's broken for recent
> >   archives
> It used to work some months ago because it was relying on a huge
> debian-devel-changes.current. But ullmann ran out of disk space due to
> this.

Argh, to bad that disk space is an issue these days.
> > Do we have a plan to fix this?  I really need those Uploaders data to prepare
> > my DebConf20 talk.
> Given your ongoing effort to port UDD to Python3, I think that the best
> plan is to do that, and port munge_dcc.py to Python3.

I'd do some 2to3 and simply start it - but its hard to do this on a
local box here since it seems to rely on data that are stored on
ullmann.  I also need to admit that I'm currently not able to spent lots
of time into it. 

Kind regards



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