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Re: vcswatch


On Sat, 02 Aug 2014, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> The obvious "solution" would be to always clone, instead of doing "git
> fetch", though of course, this has a huge cost which maybe you don't
> want to have. So I'm not sure how to fix it... Though a few ideas:
> 1- Have somewhere on the web interface, some button to ask for a full
> re-clone of the package.
> 2- Every now and then (every week?) do a full reclone
> 3- If qa.debian.org can have ssh access to Alioth, then something like
> this would do:
> ssh git.debian.org 'cd /git/openstack/nova.git && git branch | grep \\*'

There's no need for this.

$ git ls-remote https://alioth.debian.org/anonscm/git/openstack/ceilometer.git|grep HEAD

This will give you the commit corresponding to the default branch. You can
then just checkout that commit.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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