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Putting cross-build status info somewhere useful

I've been running a cross-buildd for a while now (if somewhat
sporadically), which builds a subset of packages using standard debian
(emdebian.org) toolchains in standard sbuild chroots, to determine
which packages are currently cross-buildable using multiarch mechanisms.

The results summaries currently look like this:

It would be useful if this info was more widely exposed, so that
package maintainers could know the status of their packages in this
regard. The PTS and UDD have been suggested as sensible places for
this info.

There are 3 statuses distinguished: 'Builds OK', 'fails to build',
'cross-build-deps cannot be satisfied' (so no build attempted), and 'not

I'd like to know what would be needed to get this info noted on the
PTS (or anywhere else people think would be useful), and whether
anyone else thinks this would be something useful to do.

The current results are generated by a (fairly dim) perl script which
parses build-logs. It would be easy to make it spit out summaries in a
different form: e.g. a testfile list of:
package, version, arch, status

And apprently something like this (along with a reader) is what is
needed to put the info in UDD (from whence it could be consumed by
other software). 

Sugestions on how to proceed are welcome. 

(keep me cc:ed, I'm not subscribed)

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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