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Bug#457190: qa.debian.org: selecting default CSS layout for PTS

Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Package: qa.debian.org
> Severity: wishlist
> Hi,
> by buxy's request, here comes a reminder....
> [11:38] <zobel> zack: one think to remark: i like the "compact rendering" best, how do i tell my browser to take this CSS by default when opening PTS pages?
> [11:39] <zack> zobel: no idea
> [11:39] <zobel> set cookie information? *hide*
> [11:40] <zack> no way and unfeasible
> [11:40] <zack> pts pages should be static
> [11:41] <zobel> set "compact rendering" the default style? :)
> [11:43] <Ganneff> nnooooooooooooooo
> [11:44] <zack> zobel: compact had an arbitrary color scheme (one of moin's theme)
> [11:44] <zack> the current one has debian social colors
> [11:44] * zobel wanders of and tries to find out if javaScript could do it.
> [11:45] <zobel> s/of/off/
> [11:47] <zobel> i just find the compact rendering a clearer schema
> [11:50] <HE> I have to admit that the compact CSS is nicer, but that's mostly because i hate the "official" debian colors
> [11:59] <zobel> zack: is http://www.alistapart.com/stories/alternate/ helping us with that?
> [11:59] <zack> zobel: don't know and EBUSY right now
> [12:01] <Ganneff> zack: that goes against "PTS pages are static" as you need javascript and cookies and stuff
> [12:02] <kmap> zobel: GreaseMonkey? (/me doesn't know much about it though)
> [12:03] <Ganneff> zobel: that goes against "PTS pages are static" as you need javascript and cookies and stuff
> [12:03] <Ganneff> (damn z* nicks)
> [12:04] <zobel> Ganneff: the "static" thing is more about the load of the webserver. which should not increase if we have a js selecting a css.
> [12:05] <zobel> perhaps loading one more file...
> [12:05] <zobel> which is static anyway.
> [12:26] <buxy> yeah, that javascript thing look workable, it doesn't depend on any server-side generated content
> [12:26] <buxy> though I'll leave that up to zack, zobel you might want to file wishlist bug for that with the pointer
How about cookie + let mod_rewrite rewrite a default.css URI based on the
ocokie? That would eliminate the need for JavaScript. (Needs apache2, though,

Kind regards

Thomas Viehmann, http://thomas.viehmann.net/

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