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Questions About Helping

I am in the process of learning Linux with the idea of developing
software (mainly drivers) for the test systems world. Definetely a good,
reliable and low cost operating system is needed in this area. I have
done system administration for Unix Interactive, VMS (Digital), HP UX,
HP RTE-A and HP RTE-6. I have also installed and troubleshooted MS
Windows NT systems.

I just installed your Linux 2.2 R7 and I already started to work on it.
Looking in your web page I see that you guys are looking for people to
help. I think this could be a good place for me to start. However, I
need to understand the commitment in terms of time and expectations. I
am working at this moment as a test system engineer with software
development, software maintenance, software testing, software
qualification and validation responsibilities. This also includes the
generation of requirements documents, users guide and other
documentation required to properly document the software.

I would appreciate if you get back to me and let me know how many hours
per week are needed in order to help you. Also, do I need a special
workstation and/or equipment? Something else I need to know?


E. Cordero

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