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Bug#134742: Spying at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=134742

Peter T. Breuer:
> Yes, statting is precisely the problem.  Or more accurately, statting
> all the entries BENEATH all the directories that form initial segments
> of the path to the system mailbox is the problem.

You claim that. 

elm -f xxxx

	new_browser(..) [see src/init.c]

but without -f option it does


In other words I claim that it is not "the path to the system mailbox".

_Leaving_ of folder does    [src/leavembox.c]
    struct folder_browser * recv_browser = new_browser(selection_folder);
    struct string         * recv_name    = new_string(system_charset);

    add_ascii_to_string(recv_name,s2us(">"));        /* Received folder */
    can_store = select_dir_item(recv_browser,&recv_name);

/ Kari Hurtta 

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