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Re: Request to join Debian Python team


Xuanteng Huang <xuanteng.huang@outlook.com> wrote on 05/03/2024 at 10:25:03+0200:
> Hi all,
> I’m a newcomer to Debian community and interested in participating in Debian package maintainances.
> I’m willing to maintain jupyter-cache[1], the execution cache system of Jupyter Notebook under DPT, as other jupyer related package do.
> My Salsa login is xuantengh [2] and I’ve read the DPT policy [3] and accept it.
> Best,
> Xuanteng Huang
> [1] https://github.com/executablebooks/jupyter-cache
> [2] https://salsa.debian.org/xuantengh
> [3] https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/tools/python-modules/blob/master/policy.rst

As Christian is sponsoring your application I gave you Developer access
to the package subgroup.

This means some ACLs will be missing, but you can ask Christian to do
privileged operations you can't.

If you contribute on the long-term I'll be glad to increase your access


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