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Re: Uscan: watch and changelog

Dear Soren,

my primary intention is always to improve Debian. That also involves a
better image to the public and potential new users and contributors.

On 2024-03-29 13:42 Soren Stoutner <soren@debian.org> wrote:
> Much of Debian’s documentation is not written for people
> who are new to the topic, but for people who already know the
> information and just want to be reminded about some of the tricky
> parts.

That kind of "documentation" is called a "reference". You point to one
of the problems of the Debian Wiki and other Debian documents. They are
often not focused enough to one purpose and/or target group. It is
often not clear to readers what the purpose and target group of a
specific wiki page or document is. And especially in a Wiki there are
too many authors not following any design rules except their own way of
thinking. Sometimes to much freedom is not healthy. A "head of docu"
person or institution watching the quality is missing in Debian.

I am aware of <https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DDP>. But it seems they
don't have the power in Debian to establish rules about documentation
quality. And even there own wiki team page has much potential for

> Anything you can do to improve the documentation would be greatly
> appreciated.

No, no, no! Sorry. I tried to give a polite hint in my previous mail
but it seems it did not reach you.

Don't write and explain such things in emails. Save your time and
resources. Write it into the wiki just one time and then you can link
to it. You wrote it. I won't copy and paste your stuff. Ladies and
Gentlemen please do edit your own wiki pages yourself. You are the
experts here. I am not.

This attitude is also one of the reasons why the wiki is in such a bad

Otherwise just delete the whole wiki. That would be an increase in
the quality of Debians documentation. In its current state it is
embarrassing and it harms the project called Debian.

Debian is not a hobby. Doing FOSS shouldn't be an excuse for not taking

I tried. But it seems I am the only person caring for new contributors
and how the read documentation. I am tortured with man pages and links
to out dated documentation (e.g. "New maintainers guide").

The situation is not healthy to me. So I need to stop from here with
fixing other peoples documentation.

Christian Buhtz

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