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Future of django-redis-sessions and django-simple-redis-admin

I recently removed myself from the django-reids package uploaders because I no 
longer have an interest in it.  It's still actively maintained by  Michael 
Fladischer (thanks).

There are also django-redis-sessions and django-simple-redis-admin.  I 
packaged these for reasons that are no longer relevant for me and intend to 
either orphan them or have them removed (I haven't decided) at some point in 
the Trixie cycle.

I've removed myself from uploaders in git, so if you are interested in these 
packages staying in Debian generally and in the Debian Python Team 
specifically, please add yourself to uploaders and upload away.  If you aren't 
a DD and need a sponsor, I can do that, at least for the initial upload.

Scott K

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