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review for pygubu/0.27-1

hi Bo,

my comments for the pygubu package up for sponsorship in the Python

* changelog: only a single entry is needed for an initial debian

* copyright:
  + please remove the copyright statement at the start of the MIT
    license paragraph so that it contains only the license terms;
  + tests/support.py appears to be based on [1] (i.e. from upstream
    python, license info at [2])?

* control:
  + do you need python3-tk for any other purpose than running tests?
    If not, mark as !nocheck;
  + "Description: Debian packaging for pygubu": you want to describe
    pygubu itself here, not that it's packaged for Debian - every
    package in the distribution is, after all.

* rules: the script at development/runtests.sh simply calls "python3
  -m unittest" on the tests dir for the default python3 only, which
  is not what you want. Consider letting pybuild (+pytest?) handle
  things directly, for example by changing the override to something
  like PYBUILD_SYSTEM=custom PYBUILD_TEST_ARGS="xvfb-run -a
  {interpreter} -m pytest -v tests" dh_auto_test.

* tests: you don't want to hardcode dependencies on an autopkgtest
  that should be pulled in by the binary package.

There's a debian/.gitlab-ci.yml file but the CI isn't enabled in the
repository settings on salsa.

The binary package seems to be missing dependencies on tk, pil
(conditional import at src/pygubu/stockimage.py:124), as well as a
large number of tk-related modules used by the plugins (tkcalendar,
awesometkinter, customtkinter, tkintertable, tkintermapview, tksheet;
most of these don't seem to be packaged yet).

Have you done any functional testing on a (reasonably clean) debian
testing or unstable install?


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