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Re: using git-dpm or plain git-buildpackage in PAPT and DPMT

On Wednesday, August 10 2016, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

> I don't believe that switching from git-dpm to git-buildpackage is going
> to make things easier, it'll just be trading one set of problems for
> another.

I understand this is a matter of personal taste, but I beg to differ.  I
have been using git-buildpackage for most of my non-Python packages and,
despite really small nits here and there, I think it is an awesome tool.

git-dpm, OTOH, has several limitations (as already mentioned by others,
it's not trivial to merge changes to local patches, and it can be quite
complicated to import a new upstream version into the repository).
I have had to package some Python packages these last weeks, and every
time I had to deal with git-dpm I almost always stumbled upon some
idiosyncrasy that got in the way of my work.

Long story short: I am totally favorable to make the switch to
git-buildpackage (in fact, I recently raised this topic on IRC but the
conversation eventually died).


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