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Re: C API include files


On 6 December 2013 09:49, Olе Streicher <debian-devel@liska.ath.cx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am the maintainer of the astropy package [1], and there the topic was
> brought up what to do with header files for the C API [2]. The package
> provides a C API for one sub-package, astropy.wcs. In the moment, its
> header files are just installed under

On a similar note, I have libboost-python packages. It is not a python
extension itself, but rather it is a C++/boost api to write compiled
python extensions.
At the moment headers are the same thus are simply shipped in
/usr/include/ direct, the shared library however are on per-python
version/flavour. At the moment libboost_python.so referes to python2
and libboost_python3.so refers to python3 (default versions). This is
not ideal, as it doesn't leave room for -dbg python variants.
Therefore I was thinking to ship libboost_python.so (same name) in per
python versioned directories e.g.
/usr/lib/python3.3/config-3.3m-x86_64-linux-gnu/ I haven't checked if
that would that work out for typical boost-python extension modules.



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