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(again) Why default python is not 2.6 yet?

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Yes, again.

Why the default Python interpreter is still 2.5 and not 2.6?

No, don't tell me it's because of the first round of binNMUs: either
someone's going to fix them or they will be FTBFS with 2.6 as default,
and better explicit than implicit (how many people look at those
binNMUs except us?).

No, don't tell me it's because of Release Team, because they were (in
the name of aba, many thanks!) very kind and responsive, and are
waiting on our decisions.

If there is a valid, technical reason, please let us know, but as of
now I can't see any.

So, let's just change the default to 2.6, kindly ask Lucas to do an
archive-wide rebuild (I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to support us,
but not certan, hey we still have to ask him ;) ), and deal with the

Keep waiting and waiting is pointless, and does only harm for the
target to support a stable release (there are very few people actively
working on fixing these bugs, so the more the time, the better the
release and the less the stess).

- --
Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

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