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python-central should default to noprepare

Dear folks,

Have a look at #479852, which has cost me a few hours of time.
Arguably, it's because I didn't read the manpage, and that's true.
However, I think there's an underlying issue which goes against my
understanding of how Debian packages should do stuff, and thus
I want to bring it up.

In a nutshell, python-central should default to
DH_PYCENTRAL=noprepare, for reasons I outline below:

python-jppy 0.0.44-1 was using python-central to manage
byte-compiled files. It installed .py files to
/usr/share/pyshared/jppy. Those would be symlinked to
/usr/lib/python*/site-packages/jppy for all installed Python
versions **by code installed to python-jppy.postinst by

I switched python-jppy to python-support with the 0.0.44-2 upload,
and got some strange errors. I eventually traced those back to
broken symlinks in /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/jppy, which
0.0.44-1 didn't remove on upgrade. Even though dh_pycentral installs
code to put those symlinks in place on installation and upgrade, it
only adds to prerm code that removes all symlinks on removal of the
package, but not on upgrades.

If a package removes files during an upgrade, python-central cleans
up the symlinks to those files in the preinst of the new package
(with pycentral pkgprepare).

If the upgraded version of the package no longer uses
python-central, it is responsible for cleaning up by calling
pycentral pkgremove from its preinst — according to Matthias Klose
(pycentral author), this doesn't need a pre-dependency on
python-central if combined with a version check, because then one
can assume that pycentral is still available. I confirmed that this

From the dh_pycentral manpage and discussion with Matthias, this
behaviour is in place to minimise the time during upgrades in which
the Python modules would be unavailable.

This behaviour could have been disabled, had I set
DH_PYCENTRAL=noprepare in the 0.0.44-1 package. But I wasn't aware
of the behaviour then, as I assumed that in Debian, every package
cleans up after itself, and if python-central adds hooks to postinst
which install files to /usr, that it also installs hooks to prerm to
remove those files when they're no longer needed.

I think anything but expecting packages to clean up after themselves
is wrong, especially for Debian. If the package installs files due
to a debhelper, that debhelper should be responsible for cleaning up
after the package.

If python-central supports minimising the inavailability of modules
during an upgrade, that's a feature, but it should be optional.

Thus, I say that noprepare should be the default behaviour, but doko
would prefer not to:

  that could be an option; but I'd prefer not to do so. currently
  the admin/user sees the files disappearing/reappearing. it's
  "only" the packager who needs to take care about this (and only if
  python-central isn't used anymore for a new version of a package)

This is a fair point, which makes me want to get your opinions.
I feel that the current approach is error-prone and dirty and I'd
like to see it handled better on a Debian system. But I am only
I and have been known to err.


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
<n3tg0d> has /usr/bin/emacs been put into /etc/shells yet? :P

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