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Re: Questionable Package Present in Debian: fortune-mod

>>>>> "Roberto" == Roberto C Sánchez <roberto@debian.org> writes:

    Roberto> sources." I mean, if you're going to wave the code of
    Roberto> conduct around (or Andy in the case of the initial report),
    Roberto> then perhaps we ought to distinguish between what the code
    Roberto> of conduct was very clearly intended to govern, i.e.,
    Roberto> personal communication between participants in the various
    Roberto> means of communication available to participants in the
    Roberto> Debian project, and what is contained in fortunes-mod (and
    Roberto> other packages*), which is written content originating from
    Roberto> various sources, none of which was created or communicated
    Roberto> in a way which any reasonable interpretation of the code of
    Roberto> conduct would cover.

I strongly agree with the above.
I really hope that if Branden is not going to get around to bringing
back fortunes-off and closing the bug asking for its removal that
someone else does.

My blood pressure goes up enough when I interact with this kind of
conversation that perhaps I should not agree to maintain fortune-mod

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