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Re: Multi-package projects

On Fri, Oct 07, 2022 at 09:13:56PM +0200, Timo Röhling wrote:
> * Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> [2022-10-07 19:58]:
> > I'm not sure I agree with that assessment. I believe DEPs are mostly for
> > discussing changes that can then be voluntarily implemented by
> > individual package maintainers; whereas this is intended to allow those
> > who want the change to actually do the work for that change more easily,
> > which DEPs don't do. Perhaps I'm missing something?
> I'm not that much of an expert in DEP scope either, but what they do
> share with your proposal is an associated state like your
> Accepted/Succeded/Failed/Postponed/Maintained.
> > > I have only one remark at this point: By definition, a project has a
> > > limited scope and time frame, so at some point it has to end. For
> > > things like /usr-merge, or any other transition, this is a good fit.
> > That's debatable, as the phrase "the Debian project" shows, but sure, I
> > guess we can rename things after the first release cycle if we think
> > it matters.
> I knew you would bring up the "Debian Project" :)
> > You may have missed it, but my proposal already contained a similar
> > suggestion:
> I didn't miss it, but I think it should be a separate thing after
> the intial project has finished successfully, for psychological
> reasons: such a project will often be something experimental at
> first, and I also believe we should not be afraid to terminate
> projects which do not work out, if only to avoid endless
> frustration.
> But at some point, a project is no longer experimental, it becomes a
> part of Debian proper. It may sound like pedantry on my part, but I
> think it is a huge motivational boost to see your project "graduate"
> to something new and shiny, even if it does not make much of a
> difference in the daily workload.
> The Eclipse Foundation does something similar, they start with
> incubator projects, and once those have matured enough, they become
> "real" Eclipse projects.

Ah, yes. I hadn't thought of that, but your suggestion makes sense in
that light. Thanks.


I will have a Tin-Actinium-Potassium mixture, thanks.

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