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Re: Request to Mini DebConf Montreal Organizers: Fight Israel not the DC20 Team

micah anderson writes:
> Ansgar <ansgar@debian.org> writes:
>>> The crux of my strong disagreement is here: as DPL, you just _framed_ the 
>>> Montreal miniDebConf as a protest.
>> I think the announcement by the organizers framed the conference as
>> being organized specifically to support the BDS movement
> You might think that but I think you should think again, or maybe read
> again, that is just plain false.

Dunno, if the organizers also invite talks from the "Palestinian
Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel"[1] it seems
more and more so.

  [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/mini/mtl2020/issues/24

> If you wish to debate this, then I think doing so somewhere other than
> this mailing list would be prudent.

Yes, maybe we should just have a GR whether Debian should welcome BDS at
Debian or not.


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