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Re: Replace the TC power to depose maintainers

Le mercredi, 7 décembre 2016, 08.49:57 h CET Russell Stuart a écrit :
> Why not have a formal rule that says if a package in Debian is out of
> date for more than one release cycle any DD can package it under a
> different name, after going through the usual ITP procedures coupled
> with a bug report to the original package citing the ITP and a delay?
> It's not like we don't do the parallel versions bit now - squid /
> squid3, exim / exim4 and so on.

Or just the same, but without too many formalities:

If one feels the source package isn't kept up-to-date enough, she can "just" 
file an ITP for a new source package name, pointing to hir attempts at 
convincing the existing maintainers. As ITPs are CC'ed to -devel, it becomes a 
matter of cultural shift in how we (and FTP Master, Release Team, etc) accept 
parallel versions in the archive (same software in different source & binary 
package names).

With snapshots.debian.org and LTS in place, we could also start accepting that 
there is a variety of cases where it's entirely fine to instruct users to 
install versions from past stable versions. (lsb-desktop in Wheezy had such 
instructions, if one needed to get Qt3, e.g.)


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