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DPL helpers meeting on wednesday (2013-10-23)


We will have a DPL helpers meeting on wednesday:
 $ date -ud @1382547600
 Wed Oct 23 17:00:00 UTC 2013
on #debian-dpl.

Titanpad with agenda: http://titanpad.com/debiandpl-20131023
(Please update the status of your action items before the meeting if possible)


-------------- copy of the agenda below --------------------->8
#+TITLE: DPL helpers - working agenda
#+DATE:  [2013-10-23 Wed 17:00]

* roll call

* next meeting

* Current DPL TO-DO list

See "live" version at http://people.debian.org/~lucas/todo.txt
Q: anything missing?

* New topics

* Action items from last meeting (please update status and mention if discussion is needed. if not, we will just skip it during the meeting)

** TODO zack find status of debbugs submissions over HTTP
** TODO zack to draft questions for a survey of DDs
** TODO bgupta respond to TO draft thread
** TODO bgupta improve https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Auditor/Organizations based on TO definition discussions
** TODO lucas to include call for help for press team in next bits
** TODO lucas to follow-up on press team issues
** TODO RichiH to add Debian logins to http://www.debian.org/intro/organization
** TODO rafw add something sensible about anti-harrassement on the website
** DONE lucas check whether NE.ch was already counted in the surplus
the NE.ch donation was already counted in the announced surplus.

** TODO bgupta investigate how to make a donations page on www.d.o

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