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Re: consultant entries that will be removed unless they "pong"

Am 2005-07-16 01:00:28, schrieb Rich Walker:

> > That's your opinion. I beg to differ. For example, you might have a
> > consultancy company that does, as a policy, not link to any products
> > they sell and support. Why should Debian demand to be listed there?
> Why should Debian *advertise* the services of someone who will not
> return the favour?


> In fact, it may be counter-productive - if you *need* a Debian
> consultant, pick a couple of random consultants from a long list and
> find they don't mention Debian on their website, then you are inclined
> to reject the *whole* list as useless.

It was my experience, because some new Customers had ask
me about the List (some Debian-Consultants do not more
exist or do not respond to E-Mails or phone calls.

> As the kind of person who uses the Debian Consultant list as part of the
> company risk-management strategy, I *need* them to say "Debian" on the
> web page. After all, the risk I'm managing is the one where I won't be
> able to explain this kind of thing to everyone else :-<
> cheers, Rich.


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