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Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

Till Kamppeter wrote...

> The presentation on DebConf will be even the transition from the original
> CUPS realm to a second, new CUPS realm, ...

... and thanks a lot for that, it gave the clarification needed to
understand what you're heading for.

> > So, it's a good time to resume that topic. DebConf might be as well the
> > right moment to initiate a "Let's remove lpr-based printing from Debian"
> > discussion. How would you assess the situation and ideas today?
> ... so in my opinion as CUPS already well established and making its way to
> the New Architecture after 20+ years in its original architecture, and that
> not only in Debian, and therefore everything LPR/LPDish not being maintained
> any more, we should really remove the old LPR/LPD-based remainders from the
> Debian distro.

One of the questions that I couldn't ask since we were already behind
schedule: Assuming the next Debian release (~2025) will no longer ship
cups2 at all, how does does affect the existing ecosystem around PPD? I
might be wrong but I got the impression serveral packages will just drop
out of that stable release simply because they won't be longer
installable as they rely on cups2 packages.

As this is a bit Debian-specific, perhaps somebody else can clarify?
Also it's not important for me, I'm just a little courious :)

[ legacy libppd ]
> > Without having looked into the old discussions, so just from memory:
> > Unike last December I'm more inclined today to just kick the old stuff
> > out of Debian, in my area that would be my legacy libppd and gpr which
> > depends on it. The latter would require some interaction with the
> > maintainer, but we could at least give that a try.
> "maintainer" of gpr? Debian package or upstream? If there is a Debian
> package maintainer insisting on gpr's continuation, they should tell us why.

The Debian maintainer of the gpr package (A Mennucc1). My idea a few
weeks agos was as simply as talking to them and ask for removal of that
package. Now as there already is a (somewhat questionable) removal
request in <https://bugs.debian.org/1050359>, the problem might go away
soon anyway.

So looking forward: I propose I'll file a removal request for legacy
libppd in a week or so, and later for the failed legacy-libppd attempt
as well. Then finally the package name is free for your version of
libppd as you had requested nine months ago.

> I would really remove all this from Debian.

Droping lpr-based printing entirely is something I wouldn't object, but
I lack the courage to trigger the process.


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