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Re: All Fonts White

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.  After messing with this issue for a week, I finally installed KDE and switched to it.  Works fine (though a few screens, e.g., "Root Login") exhibit the Light-Lavender-On-White-BG that Dan reported above.)

When I originally posted this bug, I thought that certainly there must be some obscure gdm3 config file where admin can change "White" to "Black, "FFFFFF" to "000000", "Invisible" to "Visible", or some other such selection.  Maybe a checkbox for "Make Text Readable".  If so, it seems to have eluded us all.

I installed "KDE-Full", but in retrospect, I think "KDE-Standard" would be a better choice.  Not so much junk attached.

Thanks again to all!

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