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Re: ice weasel and epiphany cashing after opening quicktime files

On Sun, 6 May 2007 16:17:07 -0700 (PDT)
mark mccurnin <mmccur@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having troubles opening movie trailers from
> Apples quicktime site. They used to play perfectly and
> now whenever I try to open one either of the browsers
> just crash. I have 2 other machines that it works just
> fine on. I am using totem and this disto is Debian
> Etch. Can anyone tell me where to look for the answer
> to this problem? I have uninstalled and the
> reinstalled totem,
> any help would be great.
> Thanks
> Mark

I'd ditch totem and use mplayer and the mplayer mozilla plugin instead.
I'd also recommend you get these packages from
www.debian-multimedia.org.  I use them on AMD64 (should work on
PPC too) Testing, but I also got them working fine on Etch before I
upgraded. I did not need to install any closed source libraries and I
could watch the recent Ninja Turtles hd trailer from the Apple site.
In my experience Totem is an absolute joke.  MPlayer and its' plugin
play just about anything.  You can even use it view Youtube videos with
out flash installed if you see one of my previous messages on this list.


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