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Re: Who is actively porting the Debian architectures?

On Tue, 2006-12-26 at 20:52 +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Le Tue, Dec 26, 2006 at 11:20:50AM +0100, Holger Levsen a écrit :
> > 
> > http://wiki.debian.org/powerpcEtchReleaseRecertification lists the following 
> > people for powerpc (Bastian is missing there): 
> > 
> > Roger Leigh
> > Alexander Wirt
> > Sven Luther
> > Michel Daenzer
> > Colin Watson
> > Mark Brown
> > Holger Levsen
> > 
> > Given the rumors powerpc would be dead, I suggest to name them all :)
> Hi all,
> I would like to recommend that only persons who do volunteer to be
> reactive would be listed here.
> I had some difficulties in the past to rebuild a package on powerpc, and
> lost an incredible amount of time for a similar task on s390, wich
> seems to be a zombie port.
> Getting the email-adress of a person to contact when the mail-list does
> not react would be very useful.

Your guess is basically as good as mine, but last I heard, Ryan Murray
was taking care of the powerpc buildd(s). Whoever it is, AFAICT they
seem to handle requests sent to this list more or less randomly and
without any feedback. I agree that's a pretty frustrating situation.

As for being listed on the organization page, I doubt my current level
of activity qualifies for that, but at any rate I leave it to others to

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |          http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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