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Re: Boot Problem -- Firmware?

On Wed, 29 May 2002, Rogério Brito wrote:

> 	Well, I'd think that only the floppies being good may not be
> 	sufficient. They'd have to be readable by your 8500/150's
> 	drive, whose heads may not be aligned in the same way of your
> 	8500/180.

Well, I don't think this would be the case since head alignment shouldn't
be a problem reading and writing floppies (if it were, you'd only be able
to read/write them in a limited set of drives similar to the one in your
computer -- bad!).

> 	To rule out this problem, are you able to get, say, an iso
> 	from LinuxPPC booting on the 180? This may give an indication
> 	if there is any problem with particular boot methods on that
> 	computer.

I'll give this a shot whenever linuxppc.org comes back up and let you
know. Hopefully it'll come up tonight and I'll be able to give it a shot
at work tomorrow.

> P.S.: If you indeed can get LinuxPPC installed, you might perhaps try
> other bootfloppies (perhaps creating them with the 180's floppy drive
> on the 150) or you may install Debian via a chroot installation
> (something I've done in the past).

This is a possibility, but it just seems kinda hack-ish...kinda like using
BootX to get into Linux in the first place. But if it's necessary, I will
definitely consider it as a solution.


Brian M. Kim
585.274.3672 (room)
585.455.6464 (cell)

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