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Re: Newbie/Novice Question

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 12:24:37PM -0500, Chris wrote:
> Dear Debian PPC Guru's,
> Trying to be brief:
> As a total novice with Linux I've heard people say incredible things about what
> is possible with linux.  One problem I've run up with as a Mac user (but also a
> Windows/DOS user), is drivers for PCI cards.
> The Question:
> Can I somehow use a driver built for a Debian x86 PCI card and use that card in
> a Debian PPC (OldWorld PowerMac) machine?
You can certainly select a module to be loaded which corresponds to your card. I 
personally don't see why it shouldn't work, but frankly you'd just have to try it 
and find out. Maybe somebody already has, and will post, but the real proof for
your machine and your card will be to just try it. You can do so while still in 
the installer environment; select Configure Modules, then try to Configure the 
Network. Either it will or it won't.

BTW, the new-powermac flavor uses the 2.4 kernel which supports more drivers. But
maybe the ones you're looking for would be in the regular powermac flavor anyway.

I would definitely use woody rather than potato (install manual link in my .sig). 

*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/installmanual>      |
|   debian-imac (potato): <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>   |
|            Chris Tillman        tillman@voicetrak.com          |
|                   May the Source be with you                   |

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