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Re: iBook and playing DVDs

On Sun, 2002-05-12 at 14:34, Rogério Brito wrote:
> On May 11 2002, Michel Lanners wrote:
> > On  10 May, this message from Rogério Brito echoed through cyberspace:
> 	I guess that Apple is making false claims about the iBook's
> 	ability to play DVDs, since my complete collection of DVDs
> 	(all 4 of them :-) ) show interlacing artifacts in the image,
> 	even when playing under MacOS X. :-(

Apple's DVD player is known for its lack of any deinterlacing. Shouldn't
be hard to add...

> 	All that I can say is that I feel cheated. :-(

Well, the actual movies shouldn't be interlaced.

> 	I'd love to get DMA running on this iBook and would appreciate
> 	if anybody could tell me where I can get a r128 with version
> 	2.2, as current benh's kernel only has version 2.1.6
> 	available. :-(

Rumour has it that the current one in benh's tree is 2.2 except the
version is wrong (somebody posted a patch to 'fix' the version number to
linuxppc-dev), but if I were you I'd wait for confirmation from benh
before relying on that. :)

> 	Perhaps the r128 module isn't being maintained?

It is, kinda, by XFree86 and DRI. Both their CVS repositories have the
2.2 version, just nobody has updated the Linux kernel yet.

> > You've got it :-) No, there are a few things that still can be done:
> > 
> > - get ATI to open the specs for iDCT and MC in hardware. Won't happen
> >   anytime soon.
> 	What is the problem with publishing the interfaces for that? I
> 	thought that ATI were an open-source friendly company. :-(

They are IMHO. Every company seems to be afraid of releasing that kind
of information, I have an idea why but people tell me there's no

> > - use DMA: that should be doable with the right pieces of code.
> 	Well, that is my highest hope right now. I'd love to get a
> 	kernel with a r128.o that allows DMA to be used.

I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Seems it was only good for a real
'gain' as a hack on top of 4.1. Now that it's done (more :) correctly, a
lot of cycles are still wasted waiting for the DMA transfer to complete.
Using an interrupt might help there.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)/ Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
XFree86 and DRI project member   /  CS student, Free Software enthusiast

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