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Re: boot-device variable for powerbook G3

On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 10:09:40PM +0200, Koos van den Hout wrote:
> Quoting Chris Tillman who wrote on Sat, May 11, 2002 at 07:06:51AM -0700:
> > try devalias at the OpenFirmware prompt. You might be able to use a simpler
> > designation like ata or ata-int. (Not that it should make any difference.)
> There is an ata0 alias.
> setenv boot-device ata0:10
> and
> setenv boot-file /vmlinux root=/dev/hda10

quik does not do symlinks. Substitute /boot/vmlinux-etc. (the exact 
name of your kernel)

> and then
> boot
> gives me 
> 0 > boot DEFAULT CATCH!, code=FFFFFFF6 at   %SRR0: FF80B15C   %SRR1: 0000B070
> (which is a change from the previous errors)
> > You can try running quik in the installer shell, with
> > 
> > chroot /target quik -v.
> works better as /target/sbin/quik -r /target -v

good idea!

> (otherwise quik complains about the missing /proc/cpuinfo)
> I get an error about the 800k bootpartition, so I delete that and reinstall..

that partition is not needed/used for quik, quik writes the boot block 
on the root partition

> (and now the floppydrive starts acting up again..)
> Somewhat later stuff is rerereinstalled, the boot should happen from
> partition 8 and the default catch comes back..
> Back to the installer/drawing board. Networks are a lot more reliable to
> read from then floppies!
> I get:
> # /target/sbin/quik -r /target -v
> Second-stage loader is on /dev/hda8
> Config file is on partition 8
> Writing first-stage QUIK boot block to /dev/hda8
> Making /dev/hda8 bootable (map entry 8)
> Warning: prior partition (entry 7) is bootable
> Writing block table to boot block on /dev/hda8

Ah! Maybe it's trying to boot from hda7 then. What's there, can you
delete it? It won't become ignorable by quik until the partition has
actually been deleted, because it works with a boot block, not
actually anything in the filesystem. You get this warning, but it
doesn't tell you how really serious it is; quik really wants to boot
the first bootable partition. In my case specifying the partition got
me around that, but maybe not in all cases. Especially since I have a
scsi disk, YMMV.

> > The /target/etc/quik.conf will govern what happens there. 
> > 
> > Also, try changing the last digit @0:x (x) to the partition number of
> > your root partition. :0 is recommended, but I get good results by
> > specifying the number.
> Well.. I keep running into either "Can't open" or "DEFAULT CATCH".
> I guess there is some 'simple' setting for boot-device which I am
> completely missing.

No, quik is just pretty flaky. benh has said he would do some owrk on it.
If you still have MacOS, you can use BootX, which is what many G3 owners
have done. But if you can get quik to work, so much the better...

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