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Bug#915583: debian sphinx styling: second attempt

Stéphane Blondon <stephane.blondon@gmail.com> writes:

> I've done a new version. It's based on 'sphinx_rtd_theme' theme. So, to
> build the site, the package 'python3-sphinx-rtd-theme' requires to be
> added to dependencies. A new file 'debian.css' is specific to set some
> colors and renderings.

> Reusing 'Read the docs' theme allows to have a responsive design
> automatically.

> The theme could be modified more but it could be considered as a first
> step which is already usable.

> There are temporary demos available:
>  - for debian-policy: http://stephane.yaal.fr/tmp/policy/
>  - for (draft sphinx) release-notes: http://stephane.yaal.fr/tmp/release-notes/

> What do you think about it?

Hi Stéphane,

Thank you so much for this!  I poked around a little bit on your draft
render of Policy and personally I'm quite happy with it.  The sidebar
management with small screens seemed to work for me and is definitely
better that what we have right now.  I would encourage others to also take
a look and provide feedback.  My inclination is to merge this in a future
release of Policy.

The one minor thing that I noticed was that the version number of Policy
in the left sidebar at the top is very difficult to read because it's
almost the same color as the background.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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