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Re: Bug#132767: acknowledged by developer (Reviewing policy bugs)


	*Sigh*. I guess any initiative without a flame war would be
 un-debian. Who am I, then, to flaunt tradition? 

>>"Robbe" == Robert Bihlmeyer <robbe@orcus.priv.at> writes:

 Robbe> Obviously MIME is mandatory for participation in policy
 Robbe> process I infer from your "Fix your MUA" comment.

	It is required only if you think that one needs to use modern,
 standards compliant, mail transfer protocol (unless I am mistaken
 MIME is an accepted PROPOSED STANDARD RFC) in this day and age. Mail
 setups that do not understand MIME are antiquated to the point that
 most email must be hard to deal with. 

 Robbe> But you were using characters outside ASCII as well, so one
 Robbe> needs tools to turn them from UTF8 gibberish into something
 Robbe> readable.

	I see. Anything your parochial. limited, MUA can't render is
 gibberish. (See how words can be slanted with all kinds of baggage
 the other way too?). And yes, my email do tend to have characters
 beyond plain ascii 7, as the headers for my mails state.

 >> And, pray tell, why exactly is it incorrect?

 Robbe> One can't use this unicode hyphen and have getopt understand
 Robbe> it. You were pasting a commandline that didn't work. Incorrect
 Robbe> enough for you?

	A) I was not pasting a command line, b) you would have to
 selectively excise and edit my email before sticking it in (like, my
 signature would confuse apt, I would think), and c) it was written to
 address people who could exercise a modicum of common sense, really.
 I am sorry if it was misadressed in your case.

	(I shall not use the fact that I was pasting the output of
 man, and that the utf-8 was not delibrate, as an argument, since I
 make no bones about not sticking to ascii in my emails)

 >> I see a hyphen.

 Robbe> Hyphen != Hyphen-Minus although they probably look exactly or
 Robbe> nearly exactly alike.

	You know, I recognize what i need to do when I am presented
 with a SINGLE LEFT QUOTATION MARK(‘) and thet I need to actually type '
 -- which is not really a  SINGLE LEFT QUOTATION MARK ‘. And so on
 for hyphens, dashes, HYPHEN-MINUS's, .... 

	Of course, it is probably far more fun to contribute to flame
 wars rather than help fix policy, so please continue to have at
 it. Please pardon me if I happen to lack the time to add to your
 entertainment further. I hope I have fulfilled my obligations by
 dutifully contributing to this pointless exercise in anal retentive

	Have a nice day ­­ or oops, am I not supposed to say that in a

 Dear Emily: I recently read an article that said, "reply by mail,
 I'll summarize." What should I do? Doubtful Dear Doubtful: Post your
 response to the whole net.  That request applies only to dumb people
 who don't have something interesting to say.  Your postings are much
 more worthwhile than other people's, so it would be a waste to reply
 by mail. Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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