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Re: Policy Process (was: Bug #89867: Where to place web-accessible images)

On Sun, 1 Sep 2002, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>  Matthew> personally am particularly interested in #89867, which has
>  Matthew> been turned into an amendment, but hasn't had any sort of
>  Matthew> discussion or acceptance.
> 	Since the web browsers have not implemented the requisite
>  changes, this proposal is unlikely to be accepted unil they do.

Browsers?  Have I gone completely nuts, or was this proposal to get web
servers to export a new directory hierarchy, /usr/share/images/, as
http://localhost/images/?  OK, I can see why it might be an issue - it would
probably be nice to be able to access images from places other than

But it's still not a *browser* issue, surely?

>  Matthew> I for one would like to see the amendment part of policy,
>  Matthew> and see no reason why it shouldn't be accepted.
> 	Because any package which follows the proposal would be buggy,
>  since those images shall not actually be accessible.

Based on the proposal's use of http://localhost/, or some other criteria?

Also, I've noticed recent discussion on teams that are seriously short of
manpower, and -policy editors was one of the groups that came up.  Would you
and Julian like more help?  I'm not exactly a policy lawyer (might be an
advantage <g>) but I'm keen to help, since I think that a tight,
well-written, and up-to-date policy is a necessity for a large, diverse
community like Debian.  Not a big stick to beat people with (after all, this
is fun we're dealing with here) but rather something that people can look to
for a definitive answer.

Perhaps you guys are coping fine, but I have noticed a rather... spurtish
(is that the word?) trend in policy lately.  Would more editorial staff help

Matthew Palmer, Debian Developer
mpalmer@debian.org     http://www.debian.org

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