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Re: Policy about policy


On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 03:07:48PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
> In the wake of the release of debian policy, I've been studying
> the policy process.

Which has worked almost flawlessy for some time before the big FHS bang.

Let's not try to fix things that are not broken. Most of the time the policy
group on debian-policy (everybody can subscribe) is very productive. We're
still learning to organize ourself, but that's only natural.

I don't see the need for changing the procedure. Especially I don't think we
should hide behind procedures, formalization and voting.

If you feel easier if the work of the policy group is "official
sanctionized", I suggest that the Debian project leader makes the "Debian
Policy Group" a delegate whose purpose is to edit and maintain the Debian
policy manual. Then no change in the constitution is needed.


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