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Re: Bug#39463,#39482,#39493: timidity, cdrdao, cdtool has no manpage for something

On Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 11:54:58 +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > |     If no manual page is available for a particular program, utility or
> > |     function and this is reported as a bug on debian-bugs, a symbolic link
> >                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I think this is a stupid policy and should be changed.

Care to provide reasons?

I think this is a sensible policy: all executables in the regular path
should have manpages (if only to point to documentation in a different
format); lack of such a manpage is a bug; bugs should be reported to the
BTS. A report in the BTS means there is a problem that ought to be fixed. We
all know how different the real world is from the ideal one, so we
understand that a maintainer might not have the time or the inclanation to
fix it, but we have never had a restriction that only maintainers can fix
bugs in packages. Having missing manpages listed in the BTS can also for
instance help volunteers who want to contribute documentation.

J.H.M. Dassen                 | RUMOUR  Believe all you hear. Your world may  
jdassen@wi.LeidenUniv.nl      | not be a better one than the one the blocks   
                              | live in but it'll be a sight more vivid.      
                              |     - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

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