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Re: Mechanism for removing developers

On 28-Jan-99 John Goerzen wrote:
> 1. There should be policy against ignoring bugs for an excessive amount of
> time without good reason (eg, vacation)

No.  I don't think so.  1) There's no good reason.  2) there's no good
definition to "excessive".  3) It can be handled by severity.  (If you don't
get a response, raise the severity).  4) It can be handled by peer-pressure.
(bring the problem up, with names, on -devel or IRC) politely asking for
disposition of your bug.  

If it's not important enough to take steps like this, it's probably not so
important that it can't be ignored for "an excessive" amount of time.

> 2. Having that, there should be policy allowing the dismissal of people that
> gratitiously violate policy.

It's implicit.  Do we need to make it explicit?  What is "gratitiously"? 
Who'll make the accusation?  Where will the burden of proof be? (ie. was it
gratitious? not was it a violation).  This is another thing I think can be
handled via peer-pressure.  If you(general) think someone is "gratitiously
violating policy" bring it up on one of the lists and let the whole project
decide and decide action on a case by case basis.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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*    Darren Benham     * Version: 3.1                                   *
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