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Re: `du' control files

srivasta@datasync.com (Manoj Srivastava)  wrote on 16.02.98 in <[🔎] 87hg5zgb3k.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com>:

> >>"Joey" == Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> writes:

Joey>> This isn't a debating society, Manoj.

> 	No, it isn't. I had hoped that this was a forum that people
>  could have a reasonable discourse on, without ad hominem attacks. I
>  stand corrected.

If you want to avoid ad hominem attacks, Manoj, I suggest not using them  
in the first place.

Joey>> You're the one who turned a reasoned discussion into a series of
Joey>> attacks on debian developer's abilities. That makes me really
Joey>> steamed, and that is _all_ my response was intended to convey.

> 	A series of attacks? Is that how you characterize my
>  involvement? You, sir, have led a very sheltered life. And getting
>  ``steamed'' and raving and ranting leads no where.

Well, it doesn't make me quite as steamed, but I do agree with his  
assessment. You do seem to value the attack quite a bit more than the  

That's your choice, of course. Just don't be surprised about the  

> 	If you are offended by my opinions on spoon feeding adults, so
>  be it. My position is strong enough that it does not have to be
>  bolstered by vulgarity. Obviously, one can not say the same for
>  yours, much to my dismay.

If you equate vulgarity with some specific words, perhaps. If you see it  
more as a style of discourse, them this is a case of the pot calling the  
kettle black. You impress me as intelligent; I must assume that you meant  
to offend.

>  general. Mayhap the gentleman protesteth too much?

Oops. Now you did it. Now you pressed one of my buttons: The above is  
probably the most extremely stupid and idiotic concept I have ever met in  
my life.

> 	Since reasonable discourse seems out of the question, I guess
>  this concludes the discussion.

I just love people who, when called on their offensive behaviour, state  
that now, discussion is impossible.

MfG Kai

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