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Re: gnome-pilot && gnome-pim

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 08:58:38AM +0800, Ian McKellar wrote:
> I put together some packages a while ago for my own use, but they're no
> where near release grade :( I'm not a debian developers so I didn't worry
> about improving them. If theres a lot of interest I can have a bit more of
> a fiddle and put them up on the web somewhere.

That would be really nice. I would be happy to test and contribute any patches
if I'm able. So far I have tried to make it work on my own but it's fra from
what you can do if you using M....... W......
It would be really nice to be able to incorporate Palm support in Debian that
works 100% but I guess we're not near that point yet.

Sven Esbjerg

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