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Re: Request for review - A number of packages

On Tue, 27 Jun 2023 10:19:34 +1200, Andrew Ruthven wrote:

> > > libtest-snapshot-perl
> > > ---------------------
> > Reviewed, and a few minor TODO items added to d/changelog.
> All fixed.

Thank you, looks good.
> I'll note that currently all of these packages will be team uploads, as
> while I'm listed as a Maintainer, I'm not (yet) a DD, so I can't do the
> initial upload. Unless upload permissions can be granted before the packages
> are first uploaded.

That's not what this "Team upload" line in d/changelog means, in my
understanding. Let me try to explain:

"XY upload" has two meanings:
1 The actual signing and transferring of the files; in this case, as
  you're not yet in the keyring, this has indeed to be done by
  someone else. (That's often called a "sponsored upload" although
  personally I don't like the term sponsoring in the context of
  teams, as the packages "belong" to all of us.)
2 The relationship between preparing the upload, expressed in the
  trailer line of the recent entry in d/changelog, and the
  responsibility for the package, expressed by Maintainer/Uploaders
  in d/control. Here we have "maintainer uploads" when the name+email
  from d/changelog are in Maintainer or Uploaders and "non-maintainer
  uploads" (NMUs) in all other cases, with one exception:

  In earlier years, when someone wanted to upload a team-maintained
  package, they had to add themselves to Uploaders, because otherwise
  lintian would complain very louldy that this is an NMU (and should
  have a different version etc.). That was quite annoying … And so
  lintian invented the notion of a "Team upload" - i.e. when the
  first line in d/changelog says so it will not claim that this is an
  NMU. So "Team upload" is basically a way to appease lintian and
  tell it, that it's ok for a person to create this new version of
  the package.

In the case of libtest-snapshot-perl (and the other packages), this
is (independent of 1) aka who presses the button) a "maintainer
upload", as your name+email is both in d/changelog and d/control, so
per section 2) above, a "Team upload" is not needed. And indeed,
lintian points this out as well:

W: libtest-snapshot-perl source: unnecessary-team-upload [debian/changelog:1]
N:   The debian/changelog file refers to a "Team upload" but the uploader is
N:   listed amongst the Maintainer/Uploaders.
N:   Visibility: warning
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: nmu

> > > libbadger-perl
> > > --------------
> > 
> > Also reviewed, and my notes are also in d/changelog; mostly minor but
> > one real blocker as well this time …
> Hmm, this one is a bit more interesting. `make test` runs okay, but the
> autopkgtests to run -c against each module doesn't.

Indeed more interesting/weird :)
> I've patched the one with a syntax error. 

I guess that's https://github.com/abw/Badger/pull/19
I you have the same as a debian/patches/ file please push it.

> There are two that still don't
> compile. I haven't crawled into the code, and would rather not :). I've
> raised bug reports upstream[0][1].

> Given the shipped tests pass, is it acceptable to filter these out of
> autopkgtests?

If we have a reason to believe that the "-c" failures are harmless
then yes; that would require getting a deeper understanding of this
whole project that I currently have :)
> I've checked the others and updated with the provided feedback from the
> first two.

As libtest-snapshot-perl is basically ready (except for the "Team
upload") I've now looked at

| libgraphviz2-perl
| -----------------
| GraphViz has been deprecated, long live GraphViz2! Request Tracker has moved
| from GraphViz to using GraphViz2.
| ITP: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1037110
| Repo: https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/libgraphviz2-perl

as it's the next in the "dependency chain".
And I only found minor nitpicks, which I've again listed in


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