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Re: Any::Moose deprecation

On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 23:18:13 +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:

> libany-moose-perl_0.27-1 recently entered sid, the only upstream change being
>     add deprecation warning when this module is used
> As a result, many (most?) of its reverse dependencies now warn on usage:
>  % perl -we 'use Path::Dispatcher'             
>  Any::Moose is deprecated. Please use Moo instead at /usr/share/perl5/Path/Dispatcher.pm line 2.

Thanks for bringing this up.
> This change therefore triggered a dozen autopkgtest regressions [2]. More
> may still be upcoming; I'm not sure what the re-test scheduling logic
> on ci.debian.net currently is. Also, our autopkgtest coverage is "only"
> at 81%, so there may be affected packages that aren't caught by these
> checks. (It looks like libpath-dispatcher-perl is one of these.)

% reverse-depends libany-moose-perl
* alice
* libanyevent-gearman-perl
* libapp-perlrdf-command-query-perl
* libbot-training-perl
* libconfig-jfdi-perl
* libdata-amf-perl
* libmethod-signatures-perl
* libmousex-types-perl
* libnet-google-code-perl
* libnet-jifty-perl
* libnet-trac-perl
* libpath-dispatcher-declarative-perl
* libpath-dispatcher-perl
* libprophet-perl
* librdf-crypt-perl
* librdf-helper-properties-perl
* libterm-editoredit-perl
* libtest-cukes-perl
* libtext-clip-perl
* libwebservice-solr-perl
* libwww-nicovideo-download-perl
* openpgp-applet

> I'm wondering what (if anything) we should do about this, mainly for
> stretch at this point in the release cycle. Do we want to release with
> these packages issuing warnings on usage, or should we look at either
> fixing/squelching the warnings somehow or even removing the packages
> from Debian?

Leaving the warnings looks a bit unattractive; removing the rdeps is
a bit drastic, OTOH this might be a good trigger to clean up a bit.
But this needs work, and my hunch is that we won't get rid of all of
them for one reason or another.

Just commenting out the deprecation warning in Any::Moose would be
easy, although it feels a bit cheap. But maybe there's an argument to
be made for it as the target audience for the warning is not the
average user of some automatically installed Debian package but the
authors of the rdeps?

Not sure what's best ...


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