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Perl 5.10 scheduled for April 16th

On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 09:42:13AM -0700, Ivan Kohler wrote:

> I didn't know 5.10 was scheduled for April 16th (hell, I didn't know we 
> were going to try make it in lenny after all).  After noise was made 
> some weeks back about an upload in one week that never happened, I 
> looked around for a while about any new information, and didn't find 
> anything...  glad to hear there's a new plan.  :)

Yeah, the current estimate as agreed with the release team is for April
16th, but it might still change according to their needs.

(I've recently taken up perl comaintenance, and the date is for real
 this time if it's up to me :)

Cc'ing the debian-perl list.

Niko Tyni   ntyni@debian.org

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