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Re: upstream source included in subversion?

Roberto C. Sánchez <roberto@connexer.com> writes:

> I too initially thought as you did.  However, once I was introduced to
> quilt (the group's preferred way of patching packages), I realized that
> having the upstream source in svn made it very easy work with quilt.
> Now that I find I really want to use quilt in my other packages, I am
> having some trouble as I have always excluded the upstream sources from
> svn.  To each his own, I guess, but the group's way of doing things is
> starting to rub off on me.

This could probably be solved with a simple script that worked with uscan
to grab the latest upstream source and then expand it into the current
directory, preserving the debian directory.

Not that I'm advocating a change for the pkg-perl repository.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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