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Re: Removing dh_link

On Wed, 16 Jan 2008 09:03:56 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:

> > * debian/rules:
> >   + remove unused dh_link
> I (mildly) disagree with this change.  Per the dh_link man page:
>        dh_link also scans the package build tree for existing symlinks which
>        do not conform to debian policy, and corrects them (v4 or later).

I didn't know about this dh_link feature, thanks.

Does lintian catch such incorrect links? If yes, I'd slightly prefer to
not call dh_link in general because it can always be added if needed
(as in: as soon as lintian tells us about it :)).

A little digging led me to

  Tag: symlink-should-be-relative
  Type: warning
  Info: Symlinks to files which are in the same top-level directory should be
   relative according to policy.  (In other words, a link in /usr to another
   file in /usr should be relative, while a link in /usr to a file in /etc
   should be absolute.)
  Ref: policy 10.5

(and some other symlink-* tags). I guess these tests catch the
problem in question (although a hint to dh_link in the tag
descriptions in /usr/share/lintian/checks/files.desc might be

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