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Re: changelogs, UNRELEASED, etc

On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:54:36 +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:

> >> (http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/subversion.html)
> Oops! Actually I didn't change the docs, just thought I'd do and then
> sent the mail :( I'll try to do this later today.

No problem.
> > I was thinking about adding DEBCHANGE_MULTIMAINT=no too to
> > ~/.devscripts, because or policy says "If someone else changed
> > something that has to be noted in debian/changelog, he just adds a
> > line to the current entry (dch -a). He should not put his name there
> > - the user does not care and we can always check the svn log." -
> > Comments?
> I committed several changes that indeed used [name] header :(
> It seems this is my "natural" way of co-maintenance. I can change this
> for pkg-perl, though.

I've done it both ways and I'm not sure what I prefer best ...
> One thing that worries me about global DEBCHANGE_MULIMAINT=no is that it
> affects all project one works on.

Yup, and that's true for all generall setting.
> Off-topic: I am thinking for some time about some way of executing a
> script when one enters given directory, something like the folder hooks
> in mutt. Never went on with actual implementation though.

Sounds like a good idea ;-)

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