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Re: request-tracker3.4 available for adoption

On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 11:09:42PM +1000, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Niko Tyni wrote:
> >there seem to be several people interested, so an Alioth project would
> >make sense. Ivan already asked the pkg-request-tracker admins if we
> >could use that, as the project doesn't look active. I'm CCing them again.
> >
> >Matt and Jamie, would this be OK with you? If yes, please add me
> >(ntyni-guest) as well to the project developers.
> It's OK with me.
> As you can probably tell, I never used the alioth project, and as luck
> would have it, never got a chance to do any work on rt for debian shortly
> after getting the project created with Matt.
> I don't have the login details for the project anymore, so I suggest you ask
> the alioth admins to grant you developer access to the project.


I visited http://alioth.debian.org/account/lostpw.php and sent you a 
lost password URL.  Would it be too much to ask if you could now add 
myself ("ivan") and/or Niko ("ntyni-guest") as project admins?  I'd hate 
to bug the Alioth admins for something we could do ourselves.

I promise, we'll take the project off your hands and not ask for 
anything else. :)  I just figured it would be a bad idea to create a 
*third* Alioth project in addition to pkg-rt and pkg-request-tracker.


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