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Re: discussion on perl module packaging

On 17-Oct-2000 Stephen Zander wrote:
>>>>>> "Sean" == Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shaleh@valinux.com> writes:
>     Sean> Problem is, there is no way to determine what package a perl
>     Sean> module came from. Further, lintian may be checking a package
>     Sean> on a machine where neither the package or any of its
>     Sean> dependencies are installed.
> The two relevant statements in perl are
>         use Some::Module;
> and
>         require Some::Module;

this is already done

> or the perl equivalent.  To perform this check where the relevant
> package *is not* installed requires access to Contents-$(arch).gz.
> You may have to generate your own, cut-down version and include it
> with the lintian package.

currently there is such a list in lintian.  Problem is that it is ALWAYS out of
date.  I would like a solution that does not involved a file distributed with

Problem with the contents file is that it a) requires net access or b) requires
lintian be run on a mirror.  I could add a --on-mirror switch, but I was hoping
we could come up with a better answer.

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