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Re: Tools for communication, coordination and project management

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 7:31 AM, Alexander Wirt <formorer@formorer.de> wrote:
On Thu, 08 Mar 2018, Jaminy Prabaharan wrote:

> What would you suggest then?
I don't care that much about the exact solution.

This does not seem like a constructive attitude.
But I do care about Debian promoting a non-free service.

What does it even mean "a non-free service"? Licences apply to software not to services.
There are free software because they use copyleft licences, and proprietary
software because they use copyright licences. And there are also software in between.
But what is a "non-free service"?

By the way, even FSF is OK with GitHub terms:
And if you want to comply with all the recommendations of FSF,
then you should use only GNU Savannah and nothing else.
IMHO the storm.debian.net kanban can be enough, the kanban thing debconf uses too.

This might be another optional solution, if they decide to support us,
and if it has all the needed features, and if it works well.


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