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Re: admin team and delegation status, volunteers?

On 25/02/18 22:15, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 7:03 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro
> <mailto:daniel@pocock.pro>> wrote:
>     Dashamir, most of the Debian tools are actually running quite well, e.g.
>     the wiki and Salsa.
>     The only thing that is uncertain is a Kanban board / Kanboard.
>     If we are unable to get an official Debian.org Kanban instance running
>     then I volunteer to run an instance on my own server, it is in a data
>     center, not in my home.  I would be happy to run anything that can run
>     on stretch, including:
>     - Kanboard
>     - Redmine + the Redmine agile plugin[1]
>     - RT + the plugin as discussed on debian-devel
>     - if somebody wants to propose/evaluate something else, please ask
> I am already proposing to give a try (evaluate) GitHub organizations:
>  - https://help.github.com/articles/about-organizations/
> I have used them successfully and they are just splendid, like all the
> rest of GitHub.
> What's wrong with GitHub? Why people hate it? Just because they are
> successful?
> Even Google itself deprecated and discontinued its coding infrastructure,
> because they realized that GitHub is better. The same for other companies
> all over the world (including Microsoft):
>  - https://www.wired.com/2015/03/github-conquered-google-microsoft-everyone-else/
> Of course, if I could have my own infrastructure, I would trust it more than
> the infrastructure of GitHub. And also I would trust my own infrastructure
> more than the infrastructure of Debian. But guess what? Nobody else would
> trust my infrastructure, besides me.

The specific reasons I offer to host it myself:

- if we run one of these things on a debian.org server in future, we can
migrate the database from my server very easily

- it gives us an opportunity to evaluate the software

> Between the infrastructure of Debian and that of GitHub I would certainly
> trust more the infrastructure of GitHub. It is more reliable, more secure,
> it is much better (feature wise), more robust, more available, etc.
> It is also free (no price), open-source friendly, imposes on me no rules
> or restrictions (I hate the dictatorship of the communities), etc.
> And hey, if NSA can infiltrate GitHub, they can certainly infiltrate Debian
> much more easy. So GitHub is also more trust-worthy for me.

Did you already make a decision about coming to the Bug Squashing Party?
 It may be easier to talk about this in person.



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