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Re: admin team and delegation status, volunteers?

On 19/02/18 20:44, Dashamir Hoxha wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro
> <mailto:daniel@pocock.pro>> wrote:
>     Who would potentially want to be an admin
> If more admins are needed, I would volunteer to be one.
> Seeing that people with more experience and contributions than me
> are reluctant of becoming an admin, probably I don't know
> what I am doing to myself. Anyway I am still curious.

I'll be at the BSP in Tirana and we can talk about it there.

> About tools for managing projects, I find GitHub project management
> tools quite satisfactory. Maybe Kanban is better, I am not sure, but
> probably
> it needs to be installed, setup, maintained, etc. which can be a GSoC
> project
> on its own. If Kanban is part of the standard debian infrastructure
> (like mailing lists,
> wikis, etc.) we can use it. Otherwise we better stick with GitHub tools
> (at least
> for this term), which are readily available.

Please see the comments in the other thread, there are already various
ways we can run it.

Notice that Debian gives people a lot of freedom to use things like
Github if they want to but for core things, we make it a priority to run
them in a Debian way without dependency on outside services like Github.

So if individual mentors or students want to do some things through
Github I don't think that will be discouraged but for the admin team it
will be important for us to host it somewhere.



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