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Bug#1028290: libreoffice-impress-nogui cannot convert to PNG


Am 12.01.23 um 09:29 schrieb Gábor Németh:
make[1]: *** No rule to make target
'/lo/external/tarballs/boost_1_79_0.tar.xz', needed by
'/lo/workdir/UnpackedTarget/boost_1_79_0.tar.xz'.  Stop.

Hm, so Boost is not mentioned in the deps? OK, repeat with:
Not mentioned because it's the internal copy which is downloaded normally, but obviously disabled here (because we don't use any internal lib unless really necessary)
2. Debian source build

This one also works but only with the binary in the instdir-nogui, *not*
if I install the resulting .debs:

Ah, hmm, so that really points to a packaging problem or a problem which only exhibitx due to packaging.

From looking at the initial straces briefly I have an idea but that might just be a red herring...



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