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Bug#911897: AppArmor "complain" for oosplash & soffice


On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 01:24:52PM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> Which one you get depends on the exact way the app is launched. In the
> screenshot, the xterm on the left was launched as part of session restore;
> the one on the right was launched from the KDE menu (bottom-left thingy).
> The same thing happens on my normal desktop. I normally launch my xterms via
> a KDE hotkey, those get the /tmp one. (And normally I start libreoffice from
> an xterm). That could explain how it was missed — launch it from the menu
> instead, and it'll be given ~/.Xauthority.

Ah... And I "of course" launched konsole from the menu...
(Alt-F2, konsole gives the same.)

> I'm not sure what the intended behavior is here; the current behavior of
> using both files is surely a bug in KDE. Seems perfectly reasonable to
> reassign to them.




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