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Bug#724115: hunspell: FTBFS: POD error


On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 06:58:55PM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 12:43:41PM +0100, Agustin Martin wrote:
> > Attached in two forms.
> Thanks, but...
> > One simple, just to see the differences I added and
> $ patch -p1 < ../hunspell_new-ispellaff2myspell.diff 
> patching file debian/changelog
> patching file debian/ispellaff2myspell
> Hunk #3 FAILED at 97.
> Hunk #4 FAILED at 439.
> 2 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file debian/ispellaff2myspell
> > the good one with all trailing whitespace in ispellaff2myspell trimmed.
> $ patch -p1 < ../hunspell_trimmed-whitespace-new-ispellaff2myspell.diff 
> patching file debian/changelog
> patching file debian/ispellaff2myspell
> Hunk #4 FAILED at 91.
> Hunk #15 FAILED at 367.
> 2 out of 16 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file debian/ispellaff2myspell.rej
> Against what did you diff? :)

Patches were created against pristine -5, unpacked with git-import-dsc. I
have rebuilt the patch with the same result.

Looking at the failing hunks I see they are those containing UTF-8 strings.
May something like

$ LC_ALL=C patch -p1 < ../hunspell_trimmed-whitespace-new-ispellaff2myspell.diff

help? (When preparing the escaped stuff I had to use it in my UTF8 box to make
sure that sed read properly the sed file with the unibyte-8bit->octal changes,
was getting a strange error. I am clueless about why that happened.

Anyway I am also attaching full ispellaff2myspell in case this does not
> > I also looked at myspell-tools. If I find time I will also prepare a patch
> > for myspell-tools also including changes by Gregor. I see that
> > ispellaff2myspell is included through a dpatch patch. Do you think it would
> > be interesting to change handling to something closer to what is used for
> > hunspell-tools (plain file under debian/)?
> No. myspell-tools is dead and RFAed. If you want to adopt it and do stuff there,
> feel free. I won't :) (maybe I officially should O: it, though)

If you do that I can make the changes and set its maintainership to the QA
team. But also would not like to put more time in it.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#   (C) 2002-2013 Agustin Martin Domingo <agustin.martin@hispalinux.es>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

sub usage {
    print "ispellaff2myspell: A program to convert ispell affix tables to myspell format
(C) 2002-2013 Agustin Martin Domingo <agustin.martin\@hispalinux.es>         License: GPL2+

	ispellaff2myspell [options] <affixfile>

	--affixfile=s      Affix file
	--bylocale         Use current locale setup for upper/lowercase
	--charset=s        Use specified charset for upper/lowercase
                           conversion (defaults to latin1)
 	--debug            Print debugging info
 	--extraflags       Allow some non alphabetic flags
	--lowercase=s      Lowercase string
        --myheader=s       Header file
	--printcomments    Print commented lines in output
        --replacements=s   Replacements file
        --split=i          Split flags with more that i entries
	--uppercase=s      Uppercase string
	--wordlist=s       Still unused

  Currently allowed valued for charset are: latin1, latin2, latin3

This script does not create the dict file. Something like

( echo `cat mydict.words+ | wc -l`; cat mydict.words+ ) > mydict.dict

should do the work, with mydict.words+ being the ispell munched wordlist


sub debugprint {
    if ( $debug ){
	print STDERR "@_";

sub shipoutflag{
    my $flag_entries=scalar @flag_array;

    if ( $flag_entries != 0 ){
	if ( $split ){
	    while ( @flag_array ){
		my @flag_subarray=splice(@flag_array,0,$split);
		my $subflag_entries=scalar @flag_subarray;
		if ( scalar @flag_array ){
		    print "$myaffix $flagname $flagcombine $subflag_entries S\n";
		} else {
		    print "$myaffix $flagname $flagcombine $subflag_entries\n";
		print join("\n",@flag_subarray);
		print "\n\n";
	} else {
	    print "$myaffix $flagname $flagcombine $flag_entries\n";
	    print join("\n",@flag_array);
	    print "\n\n";

sub mylc{
    my $inputstring=shift;
    my $outputstring;

    if ( $bylocale ){
	    use locale;
	    $outputstring =  lc $inputstring;
    } else {
	if ( $charset eq "latin0" ){
	} elsif ( $charset eq "latin1" ){
	} elsif ( $charset eq "latin2" ){
	} elsif ( $charset eq "latin3" ){
#	} elsif ( $charset eq "other_charset" ){
#	    die "latin2 still unimplemented";
	} else {
	    if ( not $lowercase and not $uppercase ){
		die "Unsupported charset [$charset]

use explicitly --lowercase=string and --uppercase=string
options. Remember that both string must match exactly, but
case changed.
	eval "\$outputstring=~tr/$uppercase/$lowercase/";
    return $outputstring;

sub validate_flag (){
    my $flag = shift;
    if ($flag=~m/[a-zA-Z]+/){
	return $flag;
    } elsif ( $hasextraflags ){
	foreach ( keys %theextraflags ){
	    if ($flag =~ m/^$_/){
		$flag =~ s/^$_//;
		return $flag;
    return '';

sub process_replacements{
    my $file = shift;
    my @replaces = ();

    open (REPLACE,"< $file") ||
	die "Error: Could not open replacements file: $file\n";
    while (<REPLACE>){
	next unless m/^REP[\s\t]*\D.*/;
	next if m/^REP\s+[0-9]+/;
	push @replaces, $_;
    close REPLACE;
    my $number = scalar @replaces;
    print "REP $number\n";
    foreach ( @replaces ){
	print $_ . "\n";

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Now the progran start, after the functions are defined
# -----------------------------------------------------------

use Getopt::Long;

# Initializing option values
$affixfile     = '';
$bylocale      = '';
$charset       = '';
$debug         = '';
$lowercase     = '';
$myheader      = '';
$printcomments = '';
$replacements  = '';
$split         = '';
$uppercase     = '';
$wordlist      = '';
$hasextraflags = '';
@flag_array    = ();
%theextraflags = ();
# Initializing root values
$rootremove    = "0";
$rootname      = '';
$addtoroot     = '';
$comment       = '';
# Initializing flag values
$flagname      = '';
$flagcombine   = '';
$inflags       = '';

GetOptions ('affixfile=s'   => \$affixfile,
	    'bylocale'      => \$bylocale,
	    'charset=s'     => \$charset,
	    'debug'         => \$debug,
	    'extraflags:s'  => sub {
		$hasextraflags = 1;
		$theflag = shift;
		$theextraflags{$theflag}++ if $theflag},
	    'lowercase=s'   => \$lowercase,
	    'myheader=s'    => \$myheader,
	    'printcomments' => \$printcomments,
	    'replacements=s'=> \$replacements,
	    'split=i'       => \$split,
	    'uppercase=s'   => \$uppercase,
	    'wordlist=s'    => \$wordlist) or usage;

if ( not $affixfile ){
    $affixfile=shift or usage;

if ( $charset and ( $lowercase or $uppercase )){
    die "Error: charset and lowercase/uppercase options
are incompatible. Use either charset or lowercase/uppercase options to
specify the patterns
} elsif ( not $lowercase and not $uppercase and not $charset ){

if ( scalar(keys %theextraflags) == 0 && $hasextraflags ){

debugprint "$affixfile $charset";

open (AFFIXFILE,"< $affixfile") ||
    die "Error: Could not open affix file: $affixfile";

if ( $myheader ){
    my $myspell_header=`cat $myheader`;
    print $myspell_header . "\n";

while (<AFFIXFILE>){
    if (/^\s*\#.*/){
	debugprint "Ignoring line $.\n";
	print "$_\n" if $printcomments;
    } elsif (/^\s*$/){
	debugprint "Ignoring line $.\n";
    } elsif (/^\s*prefixes/){
	debugprint "Prefixes starting in line $.\n";
    } elsif (/^\s*suffixes/){
	debugprint "Suffixes starting in line $.\n";
    } elsif (/^[\s\t]*flag.*/){
	next if not $affix;         # In case we are still in the preamble
	shipoutflag if $inflags;
	debugprint "Found flag $_ in line $.\n";

	if (/\*/){
	    debugprint "Flag renamed to $_ with combine=$flagcombine\n";
	} else {

	if ( $flagname = &validate_flag($_) ){
	    $myaffix  = $affix;
	} else {
	    $myaffix  = "\# $affix";
	    $flagname = $_;
	    print STDERR "Ignoring invalid flag $flagname in line $.\n";
    } elsif ( $affix and $inflags ) {
	($rootname,@comments)   =  split('#',$_);
	$comment                =  '# ' . join('#',@comments);

	$rootname               =~ s/\s*//g;
	$rootname               =  mylc $rootname;
	($rootname,$addtoroot)  =  split('>',$rootname);

	if ( $addtoroot =~ s/^\-//g ){
	    ($rootremove,$addtoroot)  = split(',',$addtoroot);
	    $addtoroot                = "0" unless $addtoroot;
	    $addtoroot                = "0" if ( $addtoroot eq "-");
	} else {
	    $rootremove = "0";
	$addtoroot =~ s/\\\-/\-/g; # prefix ANTI\- to anti-

	if ( $rootname eq '.' && $rootremove ne "0" ){
	    $rootname = $rootremove;

	debugprint "$rootname, $addtoroot, $rootremove\n";
	if ( $printcomments ){
	    $affix_line=sprintf("%s %s   %-5s %-11s %-24s %s",
				$myaffix, $flagname, $rootremove,
				$addtoroot, $rootname, $comment);
	} else {
	    $affix_line=sprintf("%s %s   %-5s %-11s %s",
				$myaffix, $flagname, $rootremove,
				$addtoroot, $rootname);
	$rootremove = "0";
	$rootname   = '';
	$addtoroot  = '';
	$comment    = '';
	@comments   = ();
	push @flag_array,$affix_line;
	debugprint "$affix_line\n";
    } else {


if ( $replacements ){


=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

B<ispellaff2myspell> - A program to convert ispell affix tables to myspell format.


 ispellaff2myspell [options] <affixfile> --myheader your_header


    --affixfile=s      Affix file
    --bylocale         Use current locale setup for upper/lowercase
    --charset=s        Use specified charset for upper/lowercase
                       conversion (defaults to latin1)
    --debug            Print debugging info
    --extraflags=s     Allow some non alphabetic flags
    --lowercase=s      Lowercase string
    --myheader=s       Header file
    --printcomments    Print commented lines in output
    --replacements=s   Replacements file
    --split=i          Split flags with more that i entries
    --uppercase=s      Uppercase string


B<ispellaff2myspell> is a script that will convert ispell affix tables
to myspell format in a more or less successful way.

This script does not create the dict file. Something like

( echo `cat mydict.words+ | wc -l`; cat mydict.words+ ) > mydict.dict

should do the work, with mydict.words+ being the munched wordlist

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--affixfile=s>

Affix file. You can put it directly in the command line.

=item B<--bylocale>

Use current locale setup for upper/lowercase conversion. Make sure
that the selected locale match the dictionary one, or you might get
into trouble.

=item B<--charset=s>

Use specified charset for upper/lowercase conversion (defaults to latin1).
Currently allowed values for charset are: latin0, latin1, latin2, latin3.

=item B<--debug>

Print some debugging info.

=item B<--extraflags:s>

Allows some non alphabetic flags.

When invoked with no value the supported flags are currently those
corresponding to chars represented with the escape char B<\> as
first char. B<\> will be stripped.

When given with the flag prefix will allow that flag and strip the
given prefix. Be careful when giving the prefix to properly escape chars,
e.g. you will need B<-e "\\\\"> or B<-e '\\'> for flags like B<\[> to be stripped to
B<[>. Otherwise you might even get errors. Use B<-e "^"> to allow all
flags and pass them unmodified.

You will need a call to -e for each flag type, e.g.,
B<-e "\\\\" -e "~\\\\"> (or B<-e '\\' -e '~\\'>).

When a prefix is explicitly set, the default value (anything starting by B<\>)
is disabled and you need to enable it explicitly as in previous example.

=item B<--lowercase=s>

Lowercase string. Manually set the string of lowercase chars. This
requires B<--uppercase> having exactly that string but uppercase.

=item B<--myheader=s>

Header file. The myspell aff header. You need to write it
manually. This can contain everything you want to be before the affix table

=item B<--printcomments>

Print commented lines in output.

=item B<--replacements=file>

Add a pre-defined replacements table taken from 'file' to the .aff file.
Will skip lines not beginning with REP, and set the replacements number

=item B<--split=i>

Split flags with more that i entries. This can be of interest for flags
having a lot of entries. Will split the flag in chunks containing B<i>

=item B<--uppercase=s>

Uppercase string. Manually set the sring of uppercase chars. This
requires B<--lowercase> having exactly that string but lowercase.


If your encoding is currently unsupported you can send me a separate file
with the two strings of lower and uppercase chars. Note that they must
match exactly but case changed. It will look something like


A safer alternative against accidental recoding is to use octal codes for
non 7bit chars. Above strings would then look like


=head1 SEE ALSO

The OpenOffice.org Lingucomponent Project home page


and the document


that provides information about the basics of the myspell affix file format.

You can also take a look at


in your Debian system.

=head1 AUTHORS

Agustin Martin <agustin.martin@hispalinux.es>


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